Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Washi Tape Christmas Cards

Thanks to Pinterest, I was hit with another flash of Christmas inspiration!

I spotted this pin (pinned to my Christmas Inspiration board and my Washi Projects board) and decided to give it a go.

I used to make cards years ago, so had card blanks and some red 'Merry Christmas' peel-off stickers that I used.

To make the bauble I drew around a plastic lid on some scrap white card, covered the circles with strips of washi tape, then cut them out - simples!

I drew the string and bauble shanks (would you call them that?!) with silver pen straight onto the cards, then stuck on the washi-taped circles with some double-sided tape.

I didn't actually go to the website linked to the Pinterest image until writing this post now, but a slightly different method is described there using baking paper, and overlapping the washi tape.  Anything goes really!

Quick, simple, effective - gotta love washi tape!

Have you made cards using washi tape, or would you give it a go?  I think I might try some other designs!


  1. With the risk of writing the same comment twice as my first one just vanished...: You are on X-mas fire! Lovely cards! I hope one will reach a mailbox near me... cheeky! x

  2. Oh, I love them and how simple! Will be using this with the guides I should think.

  3. What a wonderfully simple but very effective idea. I've already made my cards for this year but I'll make a note to use your idea next year - how's that for forward planning!

  4. Love this idea! Was planning to make a more involved card but this one caught me eye. Simple, classic, and festive! Thanks so much!!


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