Thursday, 19 June 2014


Hello!  The Lumberjack and I are currently enjoying two weeks off work.  We spent a lovely week in Turkey - the Oludeniz area - and are now pottering around at home.

We didn't do any shopping during our week away, so just picked up some Turkish Delight at the airport before we went home - you can't go to Turkey and not bring back some Turkish Delight!  It's difficult to tell the scale of this photo, but those squares are tiny - maybe 1cm cubes.  Very tasty.

We had an amazing day trip canoeing through Patara National Park - so very beautiful.  Here we are, safely sun-hatted up!

I won't bore you with any more of our holiday photos... other than to show you this amazing riot of colour...

We think it's bougainvillea, although haven't seen it in yellow before.  I love the colours!  I'm thinking I must use this as inspiration for blanket colours (Lumberjack: "Ha!  So we're having another blanket are we?!")  The blanket making desire is never fully sated it seems.  Better finish the stripy one first, though...

And back home it was exciting to see that some flowers had sprung up in the meadow bed we created this year.  ("We" = the Lumberjack)  A particular favourite is this gorgeous vibrant little flower - some internet searching revealed that it's a Scarlet Flax.  The petals are so rich in colour, I tried to capture the depth but it was tricky.

We've been pottering about trying to get things tidied and organised.  This has included some happy time filling and labelling jars in the kitchen - I know how to have fun!

My nana has been collecting up Douwe Egbert coffee jars for me - they are so useful.  I used pretty washi tape to label them up.

Ridiculous how much I enjoyed doing that.  I keep opening the kitchen cupboard to look at them sitting there all tidy and organised!

Thanks for the lovely comments on my crochet bracelet in my last post, they are much appreciated.  I think I'll have a little sit in the garden in the sunshine now.  Oh, these happy days (please don't make me go back to work on Monday!!!!!!).


  1. Woo! Sounds like you two had an awesome trip! :D The colour of those bougainvillea = insanity. You're so lucky to have a little bit of that colour popping up in your garden at home. I love your massive hat - I've bought two for our upcoming holiday and I can't wait to crack them out and lounge around on some deck (pretending to) look fabalas.

    Love the kitchen organisation. That's my kind of fun! (No, seriously).

    xx A

  2. Ooh looks like you had a fabulous holiday! I've never been to Turkey-what amazing bourgainvillea,I thought it only came in a purple/mauve shade. I am in awe of your bottling. Having everything just at hand when you need it does make you feel more relaxed,I really need to get down to some serious organising! Alison xx

  3. Hope that you had a great holiday!!! I am sure that your holiday pics would not be boring, but I understand that you might not want to post them here. The Bougainvillea is beautiful, and would make a great blanket inspiration to remind you of your holiday! Love your jars too, very pretty and very organised indeed!! xx

  4. Love that oh so dainty scarlet flax, beautiful. Also love how you've upcycled those coffee jars, brilliant idea. #1 Son and family are going to Turkey in August, must remember to ask them for some Turkish Delight, x

  5. Oh the bougainvillea is/are lovely! I have not seen a yellow one either but they do work well together whatever plants they are. Anyway I think there is a halfhardy one you can have in the UK. I was thinking for the greenhouse or for your conservatory. Although I think they stay potplant size here. No pink paradise wall. Hope you are well and enjoy your weeks off! Anna xxx


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