Wednesday 20 March 2013

Pink Owl!


What's the news?!  Well, I've made my sister-in-law a pink owl, using the fantastic pattern by Bunny Mummy here.  (Thanks Jacquie)  It was part of her birthday present - I (naturally!) had to include something handmade, and I knew she'd love it as much as I do!

It's such a great pattern - detailed and easy to follow - and makes a very cute owl!  The light wasn't ideal for these photos, but you get the idea...

Here is the happy recipient (excuse the grainy shot - it was taken on my phone):


It was a bit of a struggle to give it away to be honest, and I'm planning to make another one for myself.  I've had requests from my team at work to make a team owl!  (Which is funny as my team consists of me and three p***-taking blokes who laugh at my crochet and crafting habits!  They'd rather it wasn't pink though... one mentioned brown, but that ain't gonna happen - gotta make it colourful!!)


  1. Awww, love you owl , thanks for telling me about him and for linking. It makes me very happy to see lovely creations and here the story behind them.
    Jacquie x

  2. He is super cute! I bet your friend loved him!

  3. I enjoy your photos, and Owly looks fab. A lovely gift! xxx

  4. Love the owl. One of my grandees adores owls and I always have to include an owl pressie at birthdays and Christmas, x

  5. That is so incredibly adorable!! I need to make one and I have the perfect burgundy yarn for it. And I don't know what it is about little things like that you can hang around the home, but I love them! Does that make sense?

    p.s. Don't think I haven't forgotten about your genius Sudoku method! I cannot wait to see it when it's posted. That is my kind of organization. xx

  6. Ah, such a sweet little owl..a perfect birthday gift!
    Happy Weekend,
    Susan x


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