Friday, 28 December 2012


I hope you all had a very merry Christmas!!  I am pleased to report that the Lumberjack and I were finally recovered from our mega cold bugs and able to enjoy our two Christmas Days!  (One with his family and one with mine).

We were spoilt with great food, company and presents.  I will probably share some of my presents at some point - but for now, I wanted to show you my December monthly make!  A zebra hat for my nephew!!

This was one of his Christmas presents.  My sister-in-law calls him her little zebra, as he had a cute zebra patterned baby-grow coat when he was born.  She loves zebra things for him - so I thought she would love this!  There are various other ones similar to this on the internet, crocheted and knitted.  I ended up making this pattern up myself, though - I'm quite surprised I managed it actually!!!!  (It took me four attempts to work out a way to do the ears!)

It is a bit big, but at least that means he won't grow out of it straight away!  I had tried it on him a couple of times during the making, but it wasn't easy.  I'd popped round, made my brother and sister-in-law leave the room, then attempted to get what I had on his head and work out how much more I needed to do, where the ear-flaps should go etc, while he tried to get it off, wondering why his mad Auntie was fiddling about with his head!  So, it wasn't exactly simple to work out the measurements!

Getting him to keep it on and pose for photos was very tricky, but I did my best!

Cute little angel boy!!!!

It is his 1st birthday today - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY BUTTON!!  One of his presents I gave him today was also following the zebra theme, for his nursery:

It's a Caroline Rose print, from one of her collages, from here.  Caroline was so helpful - the print wasn't for sale in her shop, but it had been there months ago.  I emailed and told her about it, and asked if there was any way I could get one.  She emailed back in no time, knew exactly which print I meant, and had it listed in her Etsy shop in minutes for me!  Thank you so much Caroline, my sister-in-law was delighted!

I'm thinking of writing up the pattern for the hat, and putting it on my blog in case anyone wants to have a go.  Not sure if anyone would be interested, but I might do it anyway!  It would be my first pattern!

This is a bit wordy today - so bye for now.....!


  1. Such a cute zebra hat! Happy birthday to your nephew and happy new year to you! I would have a go at the zebra hat if you do decide to put the pattern on here :-)

  2. I'm glad you are both on the mend now, loads of people have been ill this Christmas including my poor hubby!
    I love your make for the little one it's beautiful I bet that was really well received, I'm not sure my skills are up to it but I would like to give that pattern a go. Xx

  3. Oh my goodness, I can't believe your nephew is one already!! He's such a cutie :-)

    Glad you're feeling better!

    Rhi x x

  4. I love it! He looks adorable in that cute hat!! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  5. Cutest hat! And Button! Supercute! Happy birthday little one!

    Might attempt the hat for Poppen.. I think a Zebra hat could be the new must have in every young mans wardrobe...

    Happy New Year!


  6. I love the zebra hat. I made similar hats for my nieces for Christmas.


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