Sunday, 12 August 2012

Posing with my Shawlette! Ta-Dah!

Well, thank you all you lovely people for all your great comments on my last post - after reading them, I decided to carry on and finish the shawl - yay!!  Thank you especially to 'Anonymous' (who are you, oh helpful one?!) for suggesting a shawlette and ways I could wear it.  I carried on, and I finished it, and I love it!  (You were right!)

If anyone is interested in the details, here they are:

Yarn:  3 x 50g balls of Rowan Amy Butler Belle Organic Aran in Robin's Egg (Shade 209)
Hook:  6mm
Pattern:  here

The pattern is in Japanese and a symbol one - I've never used a pattern like that before, but I found it surprisingly easy.  (Maybe I was doing it completely wrong - who knows - I was happy anyway!)

I'm not sure what size hook I was supposed to use, and I didn't do the number of rows specified - I did as much as the yarn I had would allow.

I had a bit of a shawlette photo-shoot in the park... so here are more pictures!  Sorry for being a poser....!!!

I'll probably wear it like that quite a bit.  (Didn't really know what to do with my arms in these pictures - so if they look a bit random, that'll be why!)

I'll probably NOT wear it like this quite so often...!!  ;o)  (Had to be done....!)

This will be my August Monthly Make.  I'm glad I didn't rip it apart - I'm rather loving it.  It's very warm and cosy too.  I'm thinking I might crochet a brooch to hold it together in various positions.  If I do, I'll be sure to show you...!


  1. It looks really pretty! :)

  2. Lovely shawlette. So many ways to wear it too.

    Ruby x

  3. Ha ha! Love it bonnet stylee!

    I'm glad you completed this as I have a few balls of yarn which I wasn't sure what to do with. This will make the perfect project.Cocorose emailed me the pattern months ago but I was yet to start it. You have spurred me on. I have so may wips though!!!

  4. It's beautiful I'm glad you didn't give in. I think a crochet brooch would be a great addition for fastening it, what better excuse to make a crochet flower? x

  5. It's beautiful I'm glad you didn't give in. I think a crochet brooch would be a great addition for fastening it, what better excuse to make a crochet flower? x

  6. Very gorgeous!
    Such a pretty colour, too.
    And it looks really lovely worn in all those different ways- maybe not bonnet-style, but hey, it's your shawlette!!!
    Happy week to you.

  7. That's a beautiful shawl Maria I love the color its beautiful :D Have a happy week.
    Ella xxxxx

  8. Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog - I love your basket too!

    Pomona x

  9. It looks lovely as a scarf/cowl. So many possibilities :)

  10. I love the shots, thanks for this, you look so happy with your shawlette. By the way, I want one but I have never made any crochet before, do you think it would be suitable for a beginner?

  11. I have found that a hair barrette makes a nice way to hold shawl in place too!!


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