Thursday, 1 December 2011

Award and a Giveaway!

Thanks Rhi at Pretty Petal Handmade for awarding me with the Liebster Blog award!

Thank you, that's so sweet of you!  :o)  Rhi is lovely and if you don't follow her blog - check it out!!

Apparently I don't have to share any facts about myself (luckily for you all!) and I should pass it on to 5 blogs with under 200 followers.  This is tricky as I've already passed awards on to blogs I like in the past, so I need to think of 5 I've not 'awarded' previously... so here goes:

  1. Crochet in Color
  2. Hook and Yarn
  3. Booty-licious
  4. Home Made Gorgeous
  5. Pootle Handmade

Phew, that was hard work!

Now I also want to let you know about a lovely generous giveaway Rhi is doing here.

Go and enter - I think it ends tomorrow!!

I'm working on a little something for myself - how selfish, making myself a present at this time of year!!  Hopefully I'll have a picture for you fairly soon!


  1. Congratulations on another well deserved award. Looking forward to seeing your pressie to yourself! When is your nephew due? Can't be long... I haven't missed it, have I?
    Becky x

  2. Thank you so much for the award! I don't feel like I deserve it, as I've been neglecting my blog in the Christmas frenzy ;)
    Jane x


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