
Friday 13 October 2017

Knitting and Stitching Show Haul

On Wednesday, I had the day off and ventured up to Alexandra Palace in London for the Knitting and Stitching Show!  I went with my friend Anna, and her friend Catherine, who both went last year.  This was my first time.

It was such a good day full of exciting inspiration and beautiful things to buy.  I thought I'd share my haul with you...

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

This beautiful hand-dyed yarn and some circular knitting needles to make a pretty little shawl.  I bought the pattern too, which isn't shown.  I've been saying all year that I need to get into some knitting, rather than just the crocheting - this will be my start!

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

Aren't the colours just gorgeous?!  This is from For the Love of Yarn UK - etsy shop here.

And to continue the knitting plans...

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

Stylecraft Head over Heels yarn and the needles I need for sock making.  That will be a very new challenge for me!

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

I bought these larger circular knitting needles too - for perhaps knitting a chunky cowl in the round, or some such thing.  I just felt I might need them, I haven't actually got a plan!!

So, although I've never used circular knitting needles, I now own three sets - let's hope I get on with them!

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

These beautiful linen threads were the first thing I bought - I just couldn't resist these colours!  They're from Namolio.  I have no idea what I'm going to make with them, but they were just too gorgeous to leave behind...

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

Those colours!  They go quite well with the purse clasp I also bought - although I'm not sure yet whether to make a fabric purse, or a crochet one, or a bit of both - we shall see!

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

I bought some fabric too...

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

This is a fat quarter of oil cloth - which I might use to make a wash bag, or some other type of bag.  Again, not completely sure, but I liked the pattern!

We were also lucky enough to be given some fabric as a free gift, as we had VIP tickets!

Knitting and stitching show at Alexandra Palace

I managed to nab the set above, which were definitely the best colours/patterns for me!  (There was a fourth fat quarter in the bundle, in brown, which I didn't really like, so haven't pictured it.  Although, it might come in useful for something or other - like the trunk of a tree... I might one day want to make a fabric tree, you never know...!)

I'm very pleased with all my purchases, although I'm not sure which to start using first!  I had a fantastic day, although very tiring!

Have you been before, or are you planning to go this year?  I recommend it!

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  1. You did so well! How do you get along with the circulars? I find them better than the normal(?) ones as they are so much shorter and therefore easier to maneuver. Glad to hear you are up for Ally Pally again next year!xxx

    1. I'm enjoying the circulars! One reason I like them is that I can shuffle the whole shawl onto the cable bit when I leave it (after completing the row) which seems more secure than when it's on normal needles and could slip off! xxx
